Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Beginnings

I've decided to start a new blog that maps out the new journey my life is taking, here in America. Partly, I feel like I'm back at square one. Seekings God's direction for a new journey. When really, it's just a continuation of the journey that encompasses my life.

Riding out the wave that is my 20s is more challenging that I expected. It takes a lot of thought and focus, but it has it's adventurous, care-free moments. I think I think too much. Over analyzing every detail until I've planned myself out of every dream and away from the call to faith.

How do we do this "seek and find" thing, this game of "knock and answer"? Thankfully, God's love causes him to be patient and ride out this wave with me. I think we are both looking forward to the day when I can let go and enjoy God's company along the journey.