Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What if you couldn't speak?

What would our worship look like if we couldn't speak? Would it be more genuine? Would we stop all together? Would we be more contemplative about the offerings we would give God? Would we feel like our offerings were less worthy?

I just re-read the discussion Jesus has with some people who are asking his opinion on the greatest commandment. Most of us know his response, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your your neighbor as yourself." Then Jesus basically says, everything hinges on these, there is nothing better you can do. These are the fuel for your life. One of the New Testament writers says, let us not simply love with our words but with our actions.

Most of the time I feel like my worship hinges on my words. Words are important, but they aren't everything. Our words, should be the result of our experience, our inter-action with God.

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