Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What is worship from an unchurched perspective?

So today I was asked, "If your only frame of reference for worship came from reading the Bible (you have never been in a church, never heard worship music on the radio)what would be your idea of worship?" It's a great question and I'm still pondering an answer.

I'm reading this book called, "Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down" by Marva Dawn. It's a great book to help you think more about worship, the purpose, a bit of history, etc. Anyway, one thing Marva says that has stuck with me is this, "True worship arises because God calls us. As an echo, our worship directed to God is a gift in response to his gifts. As C. Welton Gaddy details, 'Worship is a gift between lovers who keep on giving to each other.'"(p. 76)

Can we worship what we don't love? No. Our worship, the outflow of our life in response to who God has been, is, and will be, is the gauge of our love.

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